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Sarah Koch


Recently, we were nominated for a Liebster Blog Award, an award given by fellow bloggers to recognize new, up-and-coming blogs. We were nominated by fellow blogger Lisa, founder of Diary of a Beauty Addict; she’s clearly a girl after my own heart with a blog like that. I too am addicted to buying/trying beauty products (something you might have noticed in my frequent posts on beauty products). Anyway, Lisa likes our fledging little Mrs. blog enough to nominate us for this unique blog award and we are very grateful.

After receiving this award, there are some “rules” to follow and we’re happy to oblige. Here they are:

  • The blog nominated must answer the 5 questions given by the person who nominated them.
  • The blog nominated must tell 5 random facts about themselves.
  • The blog nominated must then nominate 5 blogs (with under 200 followers), and make sure to tell them you nominated them.
  • Finally, you must ask the people you nominate 5 questions of your own.
  • Optional: proudly display the Liebster blog award icon on you blog.

OK, so here goes our answers to Lisa’s 5 questions:

1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
Susanna, Mrs. Christensen, came up with the idea to start a blog after noticing that we’d substantially increased the number of DIY projects, beauty product trials and recipes we’d been experimenting with. We kept sharing them with each other and with our friends Kristin, Mrs. Fincher, and Jennifer, Mrs. Robertson, over the phone and texting pictures, so she came up with the idea to chronicle this stuff all in one place – on a blog. It’s now a forum for us to share our trials and errors with each other and with you! 

2. What is your favorite thing about Christmas or your favorite Christmas memory?
My favorite thing about Christmas is family tradition. You can read more about why in a recent post I wrote about Christmas for my friend Kelcie’s sweet blog. Traditions make the season bright! 

3. What blog or vlog is your favorite (besides your own)?
I can’t speak for the other Mrs., but my favorite is The Krystal Schlegel Blog – I love her style. Everything she wears is my taste, and her gift guides and other posts are right up my alley. Plus, it’s a fashion/society blog by a Dallas girl like me! Gotta rep my Texas girls!

4. Can’t live without product?
If she meant beauty product, I say: Clearasil, no question. I don’t have acne or anything but I’ve been using it since I was a pre-teen; it’s why I’ve always had clear skin. If she meant non-beauty products: sunglasses, mascara, pumpkin-scented candles and coffee.

5. What is your favorite food?
Juicy and delicious hamburgers (I’m not talking about McDonalds, only gourmet or old-school mom-and-pop shop hamburgers will do.), with a side of pepperoni pizza (a big, giant NYC-style slice) and gourmet cupcakes. All of it. “Last meal” style. 

Now for “5 random facts” about me:
1. I’m a closet control freak.
2. I really wish I was living in Washington, D.C.
3. I am a terrible, lazy cook. I hate being in the kitchen. I hate doing dishes. But I am trying to get better by attempting recipes that are easy and yummy (thank you Pinterest!).
4. I’m super outgoing and bubbly, and yet I get nervous around new people. Go figure.
5. I’m at my happiest when sitting on a beach next to my husband Michael (sunbathing, drinking an adult-beverage, talking optional).

Now, for our nominees of our favorite, up-and-coming blogs:

This Beautiful Inheritance – a friend of mine founded this young-mommy blog, where she talks raising her little girls, renovating and decorating her new house, and more!
– my cousin-in-law’s new culinary blog; she’s an amazing cook and her blog is adorable.
Neaten Your Nest
Oh the Places We See
Green Door Hospitality

Here are our questions for our 5 nominees:
1. If you knew you could only go on one last vacation in your life – where would you go? Someplace new or a vacation favorite?
2. What is the worst gift you were ever given?
3. Who do you most look up to in your life?
4. What is your “can’t live without” beauty product (or miracle product that’s changed your life)?
5. Best recipe you’ve ever made? The worst?

Nominees, be sure to follow the rules above and comment below with your follow up post so we can read your answers!

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