10 Long Distance Gifts for Him That Shout “I’m Thinking of You!”

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Sarah Koch


So your man crush is miles away and you’re stuck in a long distance relationship rut? Girl, I feel you. Being separated from your honey is the pits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep the spark alive with some seriously thoughtful gifts!

Long distance can strain even the strongest of romances if you’re not careful. But with a little creativity and the right prezents, you can show your man that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Whether he’s your boyfriend, hubby, or somewhere in between, these 10 LDR gift ideas are guaranteed to make him grin from ear to ear!

1. A Customized Playlist of “Your” Songs

Remember that night you bar-hopped around the city until 3am, just talking and vibing to your fave bands? Or how about when you spent an entire day laying in the park, sharing earbuds and making your first mixed CD?

Music is like a soundtrack for relationships – it can instantly transport you back to all those intimate little moments you shared. So why not put together a custom Spotify playlist of songs that remind you of him?

Load it up with romantic tracks you’d dance to at weddings, upbeat jams you’d blast on road trips, and all the mushy ballads that made you feel those feelings the first time you heard them together. Bonus points for including inside jokes or memories in the song titles!

Don’t forget to write him a sweet lil note explaining the playlist and reliving some of those musical memories. He’ll be hitting play and thinking of you every time!

2. A Meal Subscription Box

Okay, sure – dudes love their meat and potatoes. But maybe your guy has gotten a tad…complacent in his culinary choices recently? If so, a surprise meal delivery kit could be just what he needs to spice things up!

Services like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron make it stupid easy to cook up delicious, dietitian-approved meals without spending hours scouring Pinterest and grocery stores. Just pick a plan, and they’ll send all the fresh, pre-portioned ingredients right to his door with simple step-by-step recipes.

Meal kits are the perfect treat for a guy who’d live on frozen pizza and Hot Pockets if left to his own devices. He’ll impress himself with his newfound cooking skills, and you’ll find comfort knowing he’s eating more than just Cheetos for dinner!

3. A Monthly Book or Magazine Subscription

Is your man more of a lowkey bookworm? Then forget frozen meals – a lit subscription box is where it’s at!

You could go all out and sign him up for one of those “book of the month” clubs where they handpick new novels and send a fresh read each month. There are great clubs for any genre from romance and fantasy to history and true crime.

If he’s more of a magazine guy, grab a subscription to his fave – whether that’s Esquire, a sports rag, or (be still my beating heart) a Victoria’s Secret catalog! Whenever that new issue hits his mailbox each month, your man will think “aww, my girl hooked me up with this.”

4. A Personalized Fragrance or Cologne

You know that intoxicating scent your boo wears – the one that always seems to linger on your sweater after he leaves? What better way to keep him close than gifting a bottle of his signature cologne?

But let’s kick it up a notch! Most major fragrance brands allow you to customize the bottle with a personal engraving or message. So you could etch something cheeky into that glass like, “Down to get musky?” or “You’re my man musk illusion!”

Every time he mists himself before date night or a job interview, he’ll smirk thinking about your naughty quip. And when you get a whiff from miles away, your mind will instantly wander to all the right places.

5. A Cheeky Subscription Box

We all know what KIND of subscription boxes I’m talking about! Whether geared towards sexy couples or for his eyes only, a naughty subscription is the ultimate playful LDR gift.

There are allll sorts of cheeky boxes to choose from: curated toy collections, sensual games and apparal, candles and massage oils…you get the idea! Get one created specifically for long distance couples for extra steamy surprises designed to maximize intimacy from afar.

Just make sure to get him a discreet box that won’t make the mail carrier blush if they see it. And slip in a saucy note reminding him that absence only makes things hotter!

6. Sexy Souvenirs from Your City

Speaking of steamy surprises…why not take advantage of being miles apart by grabbing some sexy souvenirs from your hometown? I’m talking cheeky mugs, robes, or other cute little knick-knacks with your city’s name tastefully emblazoned on the front.

Every time he uses that “Nashville: Nurturing Attentions Since HistoryVille” coffee cup, he’ll think of you and all the places you’ve, ahem…”explored” back home. Or if you’re real bold, get something more…intimate printed up with your area code or city coordinates!

Just imagine the thrill when your sentimental lil memento arrives and reminds him to call you for some long distance “math tutoring”! You stay classy, bb.

7. A Next-Level Blanket

Okay, now let’s get a little more PG! While you can’t physically snuggle up next to your man, wrapping him up in an ultra-plush blanket is the next best thing.

I’m talking lavish faux fur throws, oversized hooded blankets, and weighted options for relieving stress and anxiety. You could also go the custom photo blanket route with your cutest pics printed all over! Talk about some sweet, innocent comfort.

The extra layer of warmth and coziness will make him feel relaxed, coddled, and showered in your affection. He can wrap himself up for movie nights and imagine you spooning right next to him. Just remind him not to drool too much before falling asleep. I want grandkids someday, sis!

8. Gag Gifts & Mementos from Your Last Visit

Did you make any fun memories or inside jokes during your most recent time together? Don’t just reminisce – commemorate that moment with a punny keepsake he can display proudly!

Say you had a bomb night of karaoke or got into some playful trash talking at a bowling alley. Pick up some gag gifts like a “Karaoke Superstar” mug or plastic bowling pin trophy with an inscription about who the real winner was that night.

Little funny reminders like that will put a smile on his face and make him nostalgic for your last visit. As for when you can get together again for more laughter and memory-making…let’s just hope it’s sooner rather than later!

9. A Surprise Delivery of His Fave Treats

This one’s super easy, but will score you MAJOR brownie points! Because every guy loves getting a totally unexpected delivery of his all-time favorite snacks and treats, amirite?

Whether it’s a variety box of his go-to potato chips, some fancy imported candy, or just a big bucket of his team’s official beef jerky, surprising him with that nostalgic taste of home (or his fave guilty pleasure) from afar is incredibly thoughtful.

You could make it extra personal by recreating a platter of road trip munchies you’d always stock up for long drives together. Package everything up with a cute note saying how every bite will remind him of you two. Sweet, salty, savory, succulent…all his snack cravings satisfied!

10. An Experience Gift for Your Next Reunion

Sure, material gifts are fun, but you know what would really impress your dude? Planning a whole romantic experience or adventure to look forward to on your next visit!

Maybe you could put a couples massage or VIP movie date on the calendar, complete with swanky dinner reservations. Or go all-out and book tickets for an outdoor adventure like a hot air balloon ride at sunrise! Anything that creates a guaranteed memory-making moment you two can share during your limited time together.

Not only will coordinating this surprise getaway make his heart swell three sizes, but the anticipation and build-up will make your reunion that much more passionate. Quality time spent bonding over a new joint experience? That’s the REAL gift, baby!

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